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First Student Advisory Board Meeting


    Students from the county's high school met with Dr. Cox, Dr. Green, and Mrs. Kennell on Tuesday, October 21. During this meeting, students discussed many issues concerning students. Brandy O'Rourke and Madison Steppe discussed developing an alternative Honors English course for juniors and seniors. Hunter Barclay brought up a concern about improving our school system's security. Karli Hakala emphasized that the Health curriculum should be adjusted to more relevant topics facing high school students such as mental health and using AEDs. Dylan Spano expressed that foreign language courses could be improved, and Dr. Cox agreed that foreign language courses should place more emphasis on the conversational aspect of learning a new language. Dr. Green also informed students that the curriculum for Foundations of Technology will be updated in the next two years, so the curriculum will cover updated information. These are just a few of many concerns that students brought up during this meeting. The next Student Advisory Board is scheduled for January.

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